
Carl Boyd Post 42


The Etowah Valley Amateur Radio Club

The Radio Club meets on the 4th Monday of each month in the lower level of the Cartersville American Legion.  Our purpose is to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in our community.  Currently we have about 22 members. 
Our dues are $20/year, prorated during your first year of club membership.

President: Joel Myers W4JNM 770-891-6425 W4JNM@ARRL.net
Vice President: Bruce Poore KO4ESS 404-414-6112 brucepoore@gmail.com
Secretary: Charles Evans WA4QYY 404-561-2143 WA4QYY@ARRL.net
Treasurer: Greg Smith WD4AUX 770-655-8632 kk4yxl@gmail.com

We have a web page W4EVC.com, Facebook Page and a Groups.io Page.
The Bartow County Amateur Radio Emergency Services Net meets every Tuesday at 9 PM on the 147.015 repeater with positive offset and a PL of 100 Hz. Alternate repeater is 147.24+ PL=103.5.

Our Radio Shack & Meeting room are in The Carl Boyd American Legion

The Radio Shack opens after the American Legion Meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
If you are interested in Amateur Radio, come to our meeting, drop by the shack after the Legion Meeting, or contact a member.

The June meeting included, Greg Roper (AJ4FJ) presenting the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS).  
APRS is a digital communication system that sends packets of data via radio waves to exchange messages and
information over short distances. 

Paul Quillan (N4LCD) Describing his 
Stealth Magnetic Loop Antenna During the July Meeting

Club Vice President, Bruce Poore (KO4ESS) and other club members Gaining Knowledge About Stealth Magnetic Loop Antennas
during the July Meeting. 

Bruce Poore made a shelf out of recycled materials to hold a donated Radio making operational access
much easier. 

June 22-23 was Field Day - For Hams, it is The biggest Ham Radio Event of the year.
For Field Day this year, The Etowah Valley Amateur Radio Club Met at 
Red Top Mountain State Park.

Adam May provided the crew with smoked Sausages for lunch. Adam (KQ4MFE) displaying his
very well made, Home Brew Smoker.

Joel Myers, Club President, (W4JMN) prepairing his equipment for working FT8.  FT8 is a frequency shift
keying digital mode of radio communication used by amateur radio operators worldwide.

Warren Coleman (WD4NIT)  Set-up and working

Charles Evans, Club Secretary  (WA4QYY)  getting set up, 

Greg Fortune (WD5GNX) prepairing to work FT8.

It's Field Day Lunch time

The Etowah Valley Amateur Radio Club enjoyed this outing and are preparing to have the 2025 Field Day at Red Top Mountain State Park.


"73" is Ham for "best regards" or "my compliments" and was intended as a general
abbreviation for transmitted messages.